
Farmers of yore relied on composting crop waste and cow dung for better harvests. But for the past 100 years, the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and tractors has made us all forget the importance of cows in agriculture. With short-term productivity gains behind us, we are now dealing with a severely damaged farming ecosystem, and going back to cow based organic farming is the only remedy.

The people behind Pranada Products understand and appreciate the value of cow-based agriculture, and are focused on sustainably-grown products that honor the “mother cow” for all that she provides. Our eight Brahman cows give generously so we can make our own fertilizers and pesticides to use in our greenhouses, which produce high-quality vegetables and ayurvedic medicinals.

Healing Energy

Healing Energy for Human Beings and the Planet

Through their brilliant wisdom, the rishis in the Vedic period found that in the entire creation, the vedalakshana go (desi or Brahman cows), which have a hump and a dewlap, are ones whose milk, ghee, and yogurt are nectars.

They found also that the dung and urine are even more powerful to heal the mind, and kill the source of all disharmony, whether in the body or the mind, environment, and ecology. The rich ingredients in the dung and urine also nourish the planet Earth, which gives food and shelter to all living beings.

These cows are not only beautiful and charming to look at, their compassionate look can heal a suffering heart. Ayurvedic physicians claim that touching and petting these cows’ backs and humps can reduce tension, including high blood pressure.

The cows’ breath, look, and touch radiates positive energy to the environment, atmosphere, and living beings. Recent studies in universities in India have confirmed that the hump of such cattle has a special nadi, a pranic channel called suryaketu that directly receives sunlight and converts it into a subtle element of gold that is found in the cows’ milk, urine, and dung.

This cow dung is a common source of many Ayurvedic medicines, and is considered the best for fire ceremonies compared to any firewood or other materials used for offering.


Pranada Products was born in 2017 as a way to share with others the products that were being produced and enjoyed by resident monastics at the Temple of Compassion Ashram in Burton, Texas.